Hanoi: 1900 636 585

Ho Chi Minh City: 1900 63 66 89

Danang: 023 6222 9308


AsiaHRM was built and developed under the multi-layer model using the most modern technology. It is easy to use, update and exploit data. It meets the most stringent requirements for Data Safety and Security.

Programming language: Visual Basic. Net 2003

Database management system: SQL Server 2005/2008

Deployment models: LAN, WAN, Internet

Used font: Unicode

AsiaHRM is designed to manage the whole process of recruitment, training, employee evaluation, all records, working process, training process, personal information, the operation process, Staff movement, salary, social insurance, and many other issues of employees. It enables the management of the records of employee, both under and out of the company’s employment.

When conducting research on the needs of organizations on human resources management, it is evident that there are a lot of differences in the organizational structure and human resources management requirements, and the capabilities and requirements of users are very diverse. AsiaHRM is designed to be able to define many organizational structures. It allows the use of up to 30 free fields with many different data types. It is designed to fit different scales and organizational structure of enterprises, easy to use, in compliance with various qualifications and requirements of users.


The benefits of using Asia HRM

– Improving the efficiency of the search for and management of human resources of the company.

– Automation of personnel management and monitoring operations, helping HR managers to manage information efficiently. Timely notification to managers as needed.

– Support a effective timekeeping function connected with the Time Attendance system.

– Support for employee monitoring and evaluation.

Recruitment management


In Compliance with professional recruitment process.

– Determination of the recruitment requirements

– Applicants. Enter the personal information of applicants, enter the desired position (applied position) of the applicant

– Filtering applicant records: It can be filtered by criteria of qualifications, gender. These filtering criteria can be changed and adjusted.

– Interviewing: Entering information about the interview date, interviewer, and interview results

– Summary of results: The record of qualified applicants can be transferred to the human resources records of the company for monitoring without having to re-enter the information,  and therefore,  employer can save time.


– View and print the list of applicants

– View and print the detailed records of a candidate

– Print the interview results

Human resources record management and processes


It consists of information about employees and their working process in the company. These modules are built suitable for all types of companies and organizations.

Human resources records:

– List of employees of the Company

– Details on personnel records of individual

– Key information: Includes information on the employee ID, employee name, birthday, gender, hometown, ID No., date of issuance, etc.

  • Contact information: Declaring information about email, Yahoo Messenger, phone number, etc. User can define, add or remove unlimited kinds of contact information.

Personal information: Details on the management qualification, occupation, health status, banking information, marital status, religion, the process of political activities, party membership, union membership, personal hobbies, etc. User can add other personal information.

Work position: Declaring information on job positions in the company, the date on payroll, date of issuance and information on labor book, date of issuance and information social insurance books.

Skills: Statistics of skills of employees such as soft skills, professional skills under the scoring method. The list of skills can be adjusted and changed according to user requirements.

Salary information: Declaring information other than the basic salary such as adjustment coefficient, allowance coefficient, basic salary coefficient, job salary ratio, position coefficient and coefficient of toxic or hazardous work allowance, basic salary, and allowances. Users can define, add/remove the salary information.

Family economics: Declaring information on the annual income, housing, land and information related to these subjects.

Severance: Declaring upon employees resignation

Optional: The program has predefined 30 optional fields. Users can define and use optional fields for their specific needs if the fixed information of human resources records and processes has not been met.

Processes: Declaring the processes related to employees, including:

  • Moving to other Department .
  • Change on the residence address.
  • Contributions of social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance.
  • The evaluation times, evaluation criteria, and evaluation results.
  • Training: Details of training courses, training schools, training funds, the company support for such training courses.
  • Working: The working history, time and location of each job
  • Learning: The learning process of employees
  • Reward and discipline
  • Contracting: The labor contracts signed and the detailed content of each contract
  • Salary: The process of changing salary, grade, rank, etc.
  • Accidents: Tracking accidents, illness, treatment days, days of hospital stay, treatments and doctor’s conclusion, the support of insurance and the employer.
  • Prescribed leave: Details of the employees’ leave during work.
  • Family relationships: Information about those who are close to employees.
  • Foreign languages: The foreign languages and the proficiency
  • Computer proficiency: Technologies and proficiency
  • Instrument and tools: The instrument and tools provided and status of use and return.

Other functions:

– Salary rises: Updating decision to raise salary. A decision can be updated for a team or department.

– Declaring the organization of the departments within the company: Declaring divisions, departments within the company. They can be added, updated, or deleted.

– List of the salary scale

– List of the minimum wage

– List of the leave regimes

– List of the evaluation team

– List of the evaluation criteria

– List of the evaluation results

– List of the optional fields

– Other lists


– List of employees

– The detailed record of an employee

– Statistics of employee age

– Anniversary

– Reward and discipline

– Contact

– Language proficiency

– Computer proficiency

– Accidents

– Equipment and tools provided

– Department rotation

– The level of training

– The labor contract

– List of employees and the salary fund for social insurance

– Human resources status

– List of employees with an expired labor contract

– List of salary raises

– …

Records of resigned human resources


Upon employees’ resignation, the resigned employees in the human resources records must be declared. Such records will be automatically transferred to the list of resigned employees. In this case, as the record and work history of the employees remains the same, the statistics and information management of the resigned employees can be made.


– Printing a list of resigned employees and causes

– Printing the detailed record of a resigned employee


Please contact the company’s sales department for service:

  • Hanoi: 1900 36 65 85
  • Ho Chi Minh: 1900 63 66 89
  • Da Nang: 0236 222 9308